Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Thoughts Now That I'm #FullyVaccinated

My light at the end of this 18 month tunnel has arrived.

On June 15th, 2020 I was fortunate enough to be able to receive my 2nd COVID19 vaccination. The people at the LeilaSuperCentre in Winnipeg were proficient, as expedient as possible and very professional. Despite the heat of the day the lines outside moved at a good pace and there were enough people around offering assistance to the elderly or infirm to make everyone feel comfortable with the arrangement, such as it is.

Before anyone asks, yes – I did have an almost 2 hour wait. And yes, it was a bit aggravating.

But clearly this is why it is so important for everyone to book an appointment as soon as possible. This allows the system to plan for numbers of patients and have enough staff on hand to be able to assist the queues of people and keep everyone moving. Also, we’re still under gathering concerns. And having so many people (even while masked and socially distanced) under one roof can be problematic if someone is infectious and doesn’t know it.

I was thankful to have the time yesterday to wait in queue and get my shot over and done with. This immediately allowed me to cancel my online appointment for the 29th and have it be opened for someone else who CAN’T take the time to wait for a walk up appointment.

Was this as convenient as when I got my first dose of the Astra Zeneca at my local pharmacy? No, of course not. But if the supply isn’t coming in as readily, I can understand the province’s need to have things managed more stringently at these pop up / super site locations.

Nothing is perfect. No system ever is. I respect the frustrations of others, especially after the year that every one in the world has gone through. I know full well that my inconveniences and frustrations have been comparatively minor in the grand scheme of things. Not everyone was fortunate enough to keep working this whole time, and for that I am grateful and humbled when I see the struggles of those around me that I cannot help.

Which is why it was so important for me to get my vaccination over with. It is a way for all of us who CAN help TO help.

Variants of the virus are out there. Mutating away in other countries at an alarming rate as they struggle to get vaccinations going. At present time our immunization is able to hold those at bay in North America. And as more people get immunized there are fewer places for the virus to catch a hold of, mutate and spread.

Here is where those within my community will suggest that I am being all Pollyanna or being political in my thoughts. And to those people, while I respect your view points and your opinion on how things have been run / mismanaged / taken advantage of and more the simple facts remain thusly:

The COVID Vaccinations work. Please consider getting one so we can all get back into the world, rebuild our lives, our businesses and our communities. Please call today or visit the website to book your appointment so we can all get on with our lives.

That is all for now. I’ve got some fictional writing to work on.

Be safe.

(Steps off Soapbox.)


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