Friday, February 21, 2025

War on Dad Blog: Legs and Cardio

Honestly, it's not any more exciting than that. My sleep pattern is all messed up due to the graveyard shifts at work, so even on my days off I'm sleeping in 3-4 hour blocks (in fact once I'm done this quick recap I will be laying my Big Fella butt down for a nap). So after being up at like 430am and selling around the place, tidying up, having coffee, listening to recaps of the Can/USA Hockey game - i finally got my stuff together and went out to the gym.

Props to Goodlife Garden City. Not my usual location but a nice change of pace. And amazingly enough, it was very quiet and not overly busy at 830am when I got there.

Wanted to push my legs just a bit more than I have recently. Again, paying attention to my knees and hips and lower back, especially as I'm getting into the ring to train a bit more regularly, recovery and joint protection are a must for me these days. Even still, only slightly more workload than before (and nowhere NEAR what I was doing even 3 months ago).

Legs, Core and Cardio - Feb 21, 2025
Hip Adductors
- "205" x 20, 20, 20 (really good squeeze)
Seated Leg Curl - "115" x 12, 12, 12 (Seated definitely feels better than Laying / standing single legs -  a real difference)
Seated Quad Extentions - "85" x 12, 12, 12 (Happy with how my knees felt, this is always the exercise that is worst for me so staying at this weight makes sense - might add another set / reps next time)
Seated Leg Press Machine - 150 x 12, 170 x 12, 190 x 12, 210 x 12, 230 x 12 (Stopped here even though I could keep going, focusing on stretch at the bottom)
DB RDLs - 55lb x 12, 12 12, 12 (easy, slow reps, lots of stretch)
Hyper Extension / Knee Lifts / Machine Crunches - 2 sets of 15 each
Treadmill - 60 mins, 2.6 mph, 4% incline

Overall a good, safe workout. Nothing wild or crazy. It's tough on the ole ego to do the seated leg press machine after years of heavy plate loaded Leg Presses and attempts at squats. But, I like the way this feels on my legs better. Maybe I'll switch back at some point, but not right now.

Naptime shortly. I've had a chicken wrap and some protein, but recovery includes rest. So, siesta it is.

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