Yeah, Yeah. It's been awhile. Whatever.
Moving on.
For the entirety of my daughters still very young life, I have said the same hope for her when it comes to my life in Pro Wrestling.
"Ugh, yeah. My Dad used to do that stuff. It's so weird."
This is what I'd hoped that she would say.
Fervently hoped.
Still hope.
Yet here we are now watching WWE RAW on Netflix together. She has a zillion questions about how things work. Who the stars are? Who makes the costumes? Is it fun to ring announce?
To my gratitude, at present the one question I am dreading has yet to be asked.
"Papa, could I be a wrestler?"
Just writing that makes my heart skip a beat.
Because, I am conflicted. So conflicted.
Yes, in 2025 the wrestling landscape has changed. While obviously there are still so many carny, scuzz-ball types that will try to take advantage of anyone and everybody (especially young girls just trying to break into the industry - not naming any names here, you know who you are) I would be a complete liar to suggest that things aren't significantly better for women in the wrestling business.
On RAW alone I'm watching back to back segments where the ladies are front and centre having competitive battles for their own needs - and not just as Bechtel Test failures. Toni Storm and the ladies on AEW are killing it creatively and athletically. TNA has been pioneering their ladies division for years and producing top notch stars. STARDOM in Japan remains a haven for ladies. Mexico, the UK … its truly a viable option.
And yet... I remember what it was like. I remember seeing (and being too cowardly to stop) ladies being taken advantage of by small minded assholes in perceived positions of power. I've spoken to ladies from the generations before me and heard their tales of woe and despair.
So yes. I am conflicted.
At some point, my little angel may (or please Lord, please) may not ask the question about getting more involved. As of now, just occasionally coming to family-friendly shows that her Papa is on acting like a clown and trying to put smiles on faces is enough for her.
But I see the spark in her eyes. I see the interest.
She is a performer. She loves to be athletic.
Heaven help me, she could do it if she wanted to.
And she'd learn to be good at it.
I never wanted this for her. In fact I tried to keep it from her. When she was younger I never watched wrestling in the house. I loved that she was into what she liked and tried to encourage her own interests, without input from this big dork. I still do that. Listen to her music. Watch her shows with her. Volunteer at her dance recitals. All of it.
In truth when she was born I honestly believed that I'd be done wrestling by now. Figured it would never come up because all my stuff would be buried in the back of my closet never to be brought out again.
Yet here I am, celebrating 30 years of in ring activity, having more fun doing the job than I have in many years.
Which is probably why my daughter is so curious about it now.
This is the 3rd pro wrestling boom I have been a part of. Everything goes in waves as the industry ebbs and flows. Right now all indy shows are thriving in tune with what the larger companies are fueling. As such, there's a lot of mainstream interest. Eventually that will slow, and when it does, general interest will fade.
Maybe my daughter's interest will fade as well. Maybe it won't.
All I can do is protect her the best I know how and encourage her to make the best decisions she can for herself and her future.
Whatever that may be.
I love my little girl. I will protect and support her no matter what.
But I do not need or want her following in my footsteps. This has been my journey, warts and all - and I've had / am having a good time with it.
Her Journey is hers alone.
I just hope she's smarter than her Papa, is all.
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