Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Ending The Year with Intention

Here I am sitting on my couch in December of 2023. Another year come and gone. Highlights and low lights and more behind me and a whole future of tomorrows ahead of us all.

Like many, I wonder what the future holds.

Unlike many, I think I know what I no longer want it to hold.

I want it to hold less uncertainty. Less self-doubt and recriminations. Less fear.

The last 2 years have been full of personal loss, life changes and other emotional turmoil. I've been so hard on myself in ways and have done everything I can to be a better person, to do more things to make me a better me.

Yeah. Sounds selfish. And it is.

But I want to be a better man. A better father. Better partner. Better wrestler / writer / author.

The trick is, I've been trying to do all of those things at once. And its not easy.

So... the time is now to narrow my focus for a bit. to streamline my online presence. to focus in on the areas that I find the most fulfillment. the areas that I will be the most committed to. 

Because those are the paths that will bring me joy. 

And with joy, will come its own reward.

I'm gonna do my best to be more diligent with my posting. To ignore the noise and to focus on what matters.

At the end of the day, that's all any of us can do.

Stay Tuned for more

Please check the links along the side for my Books and PWTees page. I appreciate all the eyeballs and attention you give me. 


Thursday, September 28, 2023

Top 3 Book Recommendations for September 2023

As I slog through my life and begin to get back to work on my own creative endeavors it seems fitting to take time to plug and give thanks to some of the other authors and creators who've helped to inspire and entertain me during this phase.

#1 Don Winslow's "The FORCE" is a harrowing tale of corruption, violence and intrigue within the politics and police of New York City. Unlike anything I'd ever read before and I absolutely could not put it down. Hit the link and Order your copy Today!

#2 "Why We Love Star Wars" by Ken Napzok. An absolute must for anyone who grew up on any version of the stories told in that Galaxy Far, Far Away. A series of essays and ideas inspired by all things Star Wars, an emotional deep dive on themes and scenes that stick out for us all, and an excellent insight into the mind of someone who found resonance in these iconic tales.

#3 "Everything Fat Loss: The Definitive No Bullsh*t Guide" By Ben Carpenter

Those who are into fitness and weight loss know full well just what a minefield the social media influencer landscape can be for all kinds of topics. Ben Carpenter is a no nonsense voice of reason within that space and has made it his mission to debunk the bullshit and give only the straight goods. This book is backed by hundreds of studies (that you can actually find links to and read for yourself) making it for my money the best and most complete book ever written on this topic. Please order yourself a copy today!

That's all for today. See you again in October for more recommendations. 


Thursday, January 19, 2023

New Year, New Beginnings, Same Old Goals


Seems that I say this fairly often (or not so often I suppose) whenever I remember to post something to the blog. Not sure if I actually have "regular readers" or if this is just another form of Therapy wherein I can release ideas hopes and goals for the future in a place where I can look back and be somewhat accountable for them. 

Because accountability is a thing in life that I truly believe in. Accountability towards others, but more importantly for oneself. At some point in time I'm sure I'll write / talk about how 2022 was unquestionably the hardest year of my life. Personally moreso than professionally, though when one is suffering the other follows suit I suppose. 

In the midst of all the personal struggles, monumental life changes, juggling of finances and moving homes ... well, the things that I'd hoped to accomplish fell by the wayside. But now I have fewer excuses. 

On the wall over my desk at home I have a white board. On it (amidst the lovely art provided by my daughter) is a list of things that I plan to accomplish as well as goals to shoot for. Some are small and attainable. Others maybe a bit more lofty. But as every 3rd inspirational quote or meme online loves to remind everyone "The Joy in Life Comes from the Journey, NOT the destination." Words I've often said to myself. My friends. Co-workers and family members. So this year I'm going to try and live it. 

And yes, Master Yoda. I know "there is no, Try.' 

But life is hard. And oftentimes the only way to honour this life I've been given is to embrace the difficulties and move towards the things that make life more joyful. 

Starting now. 

Coming Soon (dates TBD): 

- OVERDRIVE Book 4: POWER PLAY (the outline and plotting is complete as are the first few chapters) 
- READING and WRESTLING: THE PODCAST (where I plan to talk to a variety of people on a variety of topics either directly related or tangentally related to my two creative loves) 
- Online Hub for all Things Me (possibly just this Blog Page for now, but a place where I can direct people to my writing, my links and more) 
- Info about new areas in Canada that I've never wrestled before that I'd like to break into (hit up the DM's Promoters lol) 

Plus, I plan to keep being the best father I can possibly be. Because without her, nothing else matters. 

Stay safe. Appreciate your time.

Please Share, RT or whatever the TikTok'ers do to get peoples attention. 
