Wednesday, December 13, 2023

A Throwback to MySpace - Time for a Workout Review!

No for real, this is something I used to do all the time back when MySpace was the hot new-ness on the internet in like... 2005? Something like that. Sometimes it annoyed people, sometimes it didn't. But for me it was something I could post when I didn't have upcoming events, witty comments or just felt like sharing.

Yes, I know I've had the "War on Dad Blog" active for over a year and barely done anything with it. But the goal in the future for having an online presence (if that is something I even plan to continue doing because ... holy shit, it's getting toxic out there) is to have fewer places for my words, my work, my art and the things I'm working on to be found. 

So, with that said:

1030pm Goodlife Regent Ave

Standing Ham Curl Machine - "50" x 10, "70" x 10, "90" 3 x 10

Stiff Leg Rack Deadlifts - 1 x 10 135lb,  3 x 10 225lbs

Leg Press - 4 x 15 Narrow Stance, 1 x 15 High and Wide, 3 plates a side

Low Back Hyperextensions - 3 x 15

30 Minutes on the X-Trainer with Moderate Intervals

And then after that, off I went to work the shoot job for the night.

No, none of that is a spectacular effort. No one's gonna follow me on my pathway to Mr. Olympia with that. But as a 300-plus pound wrestler who's unabashedly eye balling 50 years old that wants to remain healthy and energetic for the rest of his life, this right here is pretty great.

Going forward I may up the weights or the intensity. And that'll depend on my mood on any given day. Or how much time and energy I can spare for the effort. Its all over the inter-webs these days - the renewed focus on Proper Nutrition and Recovery. Which is a damned good daily reminder because as someone who's often bragged about "being indestructible" and proudly "burned all my candles at both ends" for years it truly is something I'm wanting to turn more of my focus to.

Because I do want to continue living life in a positive way. For myself and my family for many years to come. I also want to continue to perform as a Pro Wrestler for as long as I can while still delivering a quality effort and as long as people want to see me do so.

Anyways, I don't know if I'll be posting these things regularly or not. But for today it's something that feels worthwhile. So, that's enough for me.

If you've read this far and would like to see more of my words, please visit my Amazon Author Page and consider downloading or ordering actual Print Copies of my books. I'm very proud of them and have enjoyed the response they've received from my readers.

Also, the Outlaw PWTees Store is always Live and has great options for all of the Wrestling Fans on your Holiday Gift list. So please, check it out.

That'll do for now. Have a good one.