Thursday, February 27, 2025

Blaze Pro Wrestling this Friday; What to Expect


But before I break down the card, I will annoy people with my "War on dad Blog" Updates for the last few days:

Feb 24 - Triceps w/Chest and Shoulders
Close Grip Bench - 135lbs x 12, 12, 12, 12, 12 (1 set brutal on joints but better as sets progressed, shorter rest breaks, really focus on eccentric motion and stretch-to-explosion - this is no longer a Power Movement for me)
Peck Deck - 175 x 12, 12, 12 (great pump, nice full stretch and sweep, final set Brutal Hard)
DB Side Lat Raise - 30lb x 12, 12, 12, 12 (added 4th set to really burn em out)
OH Cable Press - 65 x 15, 15, 12 (a real struggle for final set)
Rev Grip Cable Pressdown - 65 x 15, 15, 15
Hyperextension - 15, 15
Treadmill 30 minutes 4% 2.7mph (slow advance to incline / speed)

Feb 26 - Legs and Core
5 Min Bike Warm up
(must do this again)
Hip Adductors - 205 x 20, 20, 20 (now that I do these regularly, I feel much more stability in general movements)
Seated Quad Extension - 85 x 12, 12, 12 (next week add a set, knees still hate this)
Seated Leg Curl - 115 x  15, 15, 15 (same, add a set before increasing weight)
Seated Leg Press Mach - 210 x 12, 230 x 12, 250 x 12, 270 x 12, 290 x 12 (start at 230 next time, slow progress to max out - still prefer this machine to a loaded weight press)
DB RDLs - Nope
Mach Crunches - Rack x 15, 15
Leg Raises - 15, 15 (harder today than usual, weird)
Treadmill 30 minutes 4% 2.7mph (slow and steady before increase intensity

Pretty much where I'm at on that. My calorie deficit hasn't been as strict the last few days. Of course, my rest and recovery has been the literal shits this entire week as my body is adjusting (poorly) to flip flopping nights to days and back again as I work to keep the lights on and my daughter fed (okay, don't be so melodramatic Big Fella). That said I'm keeping my step count around 10K which isn't too bad, my last blood test came back strong as usual so overall once I adjust to my schedule again I will be right as rain.

Now, to wrestling:

Blaze Pro Wrestling presents NO REGRETS This Friday, Feb 28th 440 Tissot Ave at the St Louis Centre near the heart of  St. Boniface. This event is significant for a number of reasons.

1) Pro Wrestling is not only alive and well at the biggest stages (hello WWE, AEW and abroad) that popularity boom and interest has filtered down to the independent stages across the world. Nothing brings me more joy than seeing friends and co-workers regularly performing in front of sold out houses, and Blaze Pro is no different. Their last show in December was  complete sell out and the crowd got to see a very entertaining show

2) With that popularity boom comes new faces (and old faces) out to see what is happening and having a chance to "learn the ropes" , to work out some kinks and rust (uh, hi - it's me, I'm talking about me) and have the opportunity to be a part of the bigger wrestling community.

It's that second part more than anything else that brings me the most fulfillment at this point in my career. Having the opportunity and privilege to share my (shudders) 30 years of knowledge and experience with this group of up and comers is frankly exciting. This alone keeps me feeling young and energized when it comes to pro wrestling.

Let's face it. I have nothing left to prove.

But I've got lots to share.

This Friday at Blaze Pro there will be a few fresh faces making their debut. Once upon a time, people in that position would've been thrown to the wolves, challenged to defend themselves and not been terribly well supported. Well, here's hoping that after Feb 28th the rookies making their debuts will be able to look back on this day fondly and feel like they were given enough tools to be able to represent themselves adequately.

Don't get me wrong. The lessons don't end after the debut. I'm a grey-bearded old man, and I'm still learning new shit every time I get into the ring. But I feel good about this crew. So please, welcome them. They're so excited to "pop that cherry."

Speaking of, here are a few matches you all can look forward to:


The BPW Provincial Champion MENTALLO will bring every ounce of his world travelled expertise to the ring this Friday as he goes face to face with the loudmouthed but pugnacious "TANGO" TYLER ROSE. The Thug from Toronto will be making his 2nd appearance for BPW but has been making noise out in Saskatchewan with RINGSIDE Wrestling of late. Expect the champion to be thoroughly tested.


In a true veteran vs rookie match  we have the longest tenured light heavyweight grappler in Central Canada BOBBY COLLINS facing off with the high flying, fleet footed EL DIABLO BLANCO. The masked luchadore has been impressive in his early in ring showcases but he will be challenged by the experienced, grizzled brawler. 

CORY DIAMOND has been dealing with some confidence challenges of late. A perpetual mid-card grappler with a long pedigree in Manitoba and abroad, his recent winless streak has been clearly plaguing this competitor. As such when he steps into the ring with the fan favorite MUSTACHIO on Feb 28th, Diamond has repeatedly declared this a "must win" match for him. Keep your eyes on this one.


As for me? Well, much like a bad cold I can't seem to shake the 400lb BIG CLIFF CORLEONE and his MASKED MENACE. Last time out in December I faced the 2 of them (and their giant sized ringside enforcer) and came out the victor, though I paid the price after the match as they wore me out with a steel chair. Thankfully BILLY BLAZE came to my aid to face down his old tag partner. So, This Friday, we'll even the odds. I wouldn't expect a lot of scientific grappling in this one folks. I've got a feeling my Lariat Arm is gonna be leaving more bruises.


The rest of the card should be exciting as well. Like I said, a few debuts. A few surprises. and apparently it'll be standing room only as we're down to the last of our advance tickets. Like I said, Pro Wrestling is alive and well.


Oh and please consider grabbing one of my 30Th Anniversary Shirts or a Copy of my Debut Novel COWBOY ENDING either in person at the show on online via my LINKTREE. I promise both a comfy fit and a good read.


Thanks all. Until next time.