When you’ve got nothing of importance to say sometimes you just put up a quick list of thoughts and happenings.
1- * Thank you to everyone who checked out last weeks blog, it’s been the most well read one so far. So to all 47 of you, gracias
* Putting my Overdrive short story on hold for
this week to polish the pitch for the TV Spec Script / concept I’m working on
with some local producers (hopefully). While nothing in life is guaranteed,
getting into TV show-running has always been a
pie in the sky goal of mine and I’d love to have this one come to
fruition in any sense of the word. So, this’ll get worked on for Friday
3- * In hopes that the gyms will be reopening soon I
expect to be doing my best to get back into the kinda shape that fulfills the “wrestling”
portion of this blog’s title. However I promise not to bore anyone here with workout
updates, progress pics or anything like that. Instead I’ll be starting a second
blog/youtube gimmick specifically for that. Just because that’s what people do
in 2021, right? Vainly mark down their progress and plans?
4- * Now that we’re officially into summer and the
province is allowing I do plan to enjoy a lot more time outdoors walking the
dogs, taking kids to the park and more of the important stuff that fills the
soul with joy .
And that’s about all for now. Hope everyone is staying safe.
Again, if you’re thinking about getting vaccinated and are uncertain, please
speak to your doctors and hopefully they will alleviate your concerns.