Yeah, I haven't launched anything yet. I mean, I'd like to. I've got a page all set up and ready to go. But currently I would feel weird putting it out into the world before I had more content available.
I mean like, besides my self published novels.
Or my collection of matches from the archives over the course of 25 years.
Or old merchandise.
Or old gear that I'm no longer using.
Huh... okay, I do have some things to offer aside from witty repartee here on the Blogosphere and the occasional update on my writing.
Guess I just feel weird about setting up a page that's basically like being an online busker. Not that I oppose buskers or anyone who's on Patreon . Heck I have a few creators on there that I currently support myself.
Let just call this final incentive to get together the minimal equipment I need in order to finally start recording things like a bi weekly podcast. Or the audio versions of my novels. Or even the audio versions of other peoples novels, random V/O work or whatever.
Maybe it's finally time to do this?
At least the page is ready to go.
More or less.