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Showing posts with label author books jets winnipeg fitness passion weight loss recovery journey dad bod wrestler entertainment wrestling aew wwe njpw canadian star wars success failure life struggle overcome patreon merch. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

War on Dad Blog: Relocating to Here

After a week-ish of trying to keep both blogs updated I soon realized what a complete pain in the ass that is. And frankly an unnecessary one. Even though the goal was to keep this page for Creative and Wrestling related endeavors, there's no good reason to dismiss my Workout Reviews / Accountability recordings from this site.

Besides. It's good content for the algorithm. Buy my books and merch you filthy animals. Or sponsor me online to do more fitness challenges for a "man of a certain age" … being uh, Middle Aged.

So yeah, here's where I'll recap / show my workout log for recent efforts. Is it exciting? Probably only to me and a few people who wonder how I keep my body moving after 30 years of heavy impacts in and out of a 18x18 steel and plywood structure. If anyone has any questions about these, please leave'em in the comments or post'em to my socials. I'll answer anyone who's serious and tell the haters to bugger off (but like, less British-ly).

In short, I'm focusing on some higher reps, shorter rest breaks and really trying to concentrate on negative reps and stretches over the contraction. Obviously I've got a few LBs to trim from the midsection so I'm tracking the majority of my calories over a week to maintain a slight deficit and adding more lower impact cardio to my regular routine. I've been focusing on this pretty consistently for the past 3 weeks and have been pleased with early results. As always, the toughest thing is to not let my ego get in the way and insist on More Weight and fewer reps. I've had that kinda fun, but it's generally not productive for my body and goals at this point.

My regular split is modified after a Push / Pul l/ Legs ideology. A few years back this would've meant a 6 day turn around for me with only a pittance of a rest day. These days I am not as worried about that. If I end up only lifting 3x a week or every other day? Perfect. I'm hitting my muscles often enough to feel growth and progress while making sure I have enough time to recover - especially in a slight deficit. These days I feel that weakness and low energy in a big way so, I try my best to listen to my body and push it up to it's limits for that day, not what they used to be when I was 30 years old.

Anyways, here's my Push Day from Feb 18th at around 930PM - Shout out to Goodlife Fitness on Regent for their excellent staff and facility as usual.

Chest and Shoulders w/ Triceps
Peck Deck - "175" x 12, 12, 12, 12 (Trying for wide sweeping reps, lots of stretch)
Inc Smith Press - 205lb x 8, 8, 8, 5 (always humbling doing this 2nd, much better pump though)
DB Side Lat Raise - 30lb x 12, 12, 12, 12 (maybe add some more reps next week)
OHP Machine - "80" x 12, 90 x 12, 12 (still tough on my left shoulder joint, but glad to be doing these again)
Cable Side Lat Raise - "15" x 12, 12, 12 (terrific burnout, so humbling)
Rev Grip Tricep Extension - "50" x 20, 20, 20, 20, 20 (just pure stretch and pump)
30 Min Treadmill 3% incline, 2.6mph

Once upon a time I'd have disdained using so many machines. But these days, I find them so much more effective for my recovery and muscle development. Occasionally I may change it up and switch to a DB Press or a regular Barbell Press, but nothing feels quite the same as the ability to just push until I can't on the Smith Machine. That 4th set was a true fail, without the pins I'd have been in trouble.

Anyways, that was the lift. I don't know how regularly I'll post these but I do intend to bring them all under one blog, just for simplicity's sake. Maybe no one cares but me, but that's enough.

Reminder, Blaze Pro Wrestling's: No Regrets on Feb 28th in Winnipeg. Follow the link to get your advance tickets now. Our last show before X-Mas was completely sold out, so don't be stuck out in the cold. 

Visit my PWTees Shop for specific designs you can only find there. Also, if you want one of the special "30th ANNIVERSARY TEES" I have on order, hit the Comments or my DMs (easy now) to reserve your size. 

Don't forget about my BOOKS. I know that billionaires are ruining international relations right now, but the Amazon Author Groups do a fine job with my products. So please, order a copy. I'll be happy to sign it for you.

Okay, I'm out of words. Later.